Filter concepts

These are the original OpenAlex Concepts, which are being deprecated in favor of Topics. We will continue to provide these Concepts for Works, but we will not be actively maintaining, updating, or providing support for these concepts. Unless you have a good reason to be relying on them, we encourage you to look into Topics instead.

You can filter concepts with the filter parameter:

/concepts attribute filters

You can filter using these attributes of the Concept object (click each one to view their documentation on the Concept object page):

/concepts convenience filters

These filters aren't attributes of the Concept object, but they're included to address some common use cases:

Value: a search string

This works the same as using the search parameter for Concepts.

Value: a search string

Returns: concepts with a display_name containing the given string; see the search page for details.


Value: a Boolean (true or false)

Returns: concepts that have or lack a Wikidata ID, depending on the given value. For now, all concepts in OpenAlex do have Wikidata IDs.

Last updated